Two people cleaning up a beach, with a lot of garabge on the sand. Beach icon under Spanish text.The rainforest seen from high elevation.Young people working together to clean trash, many black garbage bags in the foreground. Garbage icon under Spanish text.
Costa Rica flag icon

Costa Rica

Workshop outcomes

In late August 2022, UNICEF Costa Rica organized two workshops with 10 young people between the ages of 13 and 18 to discuss their experiences, perceptions and opinions about the "places and spaces" in which they live. The participants came from different communities in the country, both rural and urban.

The workshops were virtual. The group explored the content of Report Card 17 and discussed various issues covered by the publication. The group used photographs to allow them to convey their perspectives on what was discussed during the workshop. Therefore, during the second workshop, the content of the photographs and what they represent for their present and future were discussed. Here you can see the photos and the captions that they wrote together and that was the product of the dialogue they held.

Children & their Environments: Key Statistics

Where Costa Rica has a foundation to build on

Low levels of electronic waste

Costa Rica has relatively low levels of electronic waste (around 10 kg per person per year) - the 4th lowest out of 43 countries.

Emits relatively low levels of CO2

Costa Rica generates relatively low levels of CO2 (based on consumption) of around 2.6 metric tonnes per person per year, the 2nd lowest out of 43 countries.

Low rates of consumption

If all people in the world consumed at the same rate as the average person in Costa Rica, we would need 1.6 earths to sustain this consumption. This compares with an average of 3.3 earths across all 43 countries.

1.6 Earths

Where Costa Rica needs to step up policy efforts

Blood icon

High levels of lead in children’s blood

13 per cent of children in Costa Rica have elevated levels of lead in their blood – the 2nd highest percentage in the 43 countries in the report.

Air pollution icon

High impacts of pollution on children’s health

Costa Rica is among the 6 countries (out of the 43 countries in the report) with higher levels of health impacts on children due to air and water quality.

World mapCosta Rica country outline